Courtney's House Reborn

After close to 10 yrs in our little home we decided it was time for a bigger one.

We looked at moving on. Other established homes needed too much work and new home suburbs were too far away from everything and the houses built too close together.

We liked this area, the school and had made a good circle of friends over that time.

So we took the best of both worlds.

A new home in an old area.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hi All,

Blogging has been quite hard to do with no phone land line at rental house. We are all okay now with Telstra fixing it today. Good work.

The house is moving along nicely. The brickies are like ants at a picnic, they are even working today on Good Friday.

Ash (head brickie) has allowed three weeks for the job to be done, being such a big house. Today is the end of the second week. So 2/3 of the work is done.

Will post some photos later.
Half the garage is up and today I think my walk-in-robe will go up. Then it will only be the front of the house for the brickies to finish with. Job Done..... Well, just the brick work anyway. Great work guys :-)

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