Courtney's House Reborn

After close to 10 yrs in our little home we decided it was time for a bigger one.

We looked at moving on. Other established homes needed too much work and new home suburbs were too far away from everything and the houses built too close together.

We liked this area, the school and had made a good circle of friends over that time.

So we took the best of both worlds.

A new home in an old area.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Getting Started

After close to 10 years in our little home we decided it was time for a bigger one. Liked the area, liked the school and had made a few friends over that time.

We didn't like the other options, moving to a house that needed Reno's or smaller yards and closer neighbours. So that left us with the idea to demo our house and start again.

After many months we found a builder that would work with us and our one off design. DH needed to keep his shed. Which made the 720sqm site a little more tricky.

Plans went to council and it was all ready to go.

So we packed up and moved to a friends rental. And then we waited for the demo to take place. And we waited and we waited until finally 6 weeks later the house came down.

Little details needed to be worked out with the builders, finally being put into black and white, with a lot of back and forth (3 mths).

That is where I am going to start following the progress of the


  1. Congratulaions on commencing your blog Sandra. Hope you enjoy it doing your posts.I am looking forward to reading them.
    Love Mum XX

  2. Well done Sandra, I hope you don't mind me following your progress.
